Hey there!

My name is Vinícius Luna

Full stack developer in modern technologies with a focus on high performance architecture and scalability

Reach me out on my social networks!

My Career


  1. Dell Technologies - (Software Engineer II)

    Developing global applications within DFS (Dell Financial Services) for E-Commerce solutions focused on the United States, Canada and Europe.

  2. Action Cargo - (Software Developer)

    Development of applications aimed at foreign trade, ERP/CRM systems, creation of financial tools, analytical financial reports and Human Resources control tools.


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Harry Potter
Harry Potter App

Harry Potter App to discover and search characters in the universe using Nextjs and React Query.

Check it out!
NET Core
.NET 7 Logging Api

.NET Core 7 api for logging parsing using TXT with parallel parsing and MongoDB insertion with React UI and Docker Hosting

Check it out!
NET Core
Java Sales Infrastructure

Group project done on Santander Coders using Java Spring, Docker, Kafka, MongoDB, Prometheus, Api Gateway and many more!

Check it out!